
Christmas Eve we relaxed at my parents house. Jameson really started enjoying the dogs and wanted to pet them all the time. They are quite a bit more tolerant than Sasha is at home!




Jameson skipped a nap; he may have fallen asleep for about 20 minutes or so but all the activity downstairs had his attention. A couple of my dad’s friends came over, one bringing a huge locally smoked ham for our dinner that night.


You would never know that Jameson had skipped a nap though. He was cheerful and running around until the end of the day! He did so well sleeping at my parents house in the big boy bed.


(Here he is wearing my brother’s socks which he actually put on all by himself!)

Christmas Tree

For a few moments he sat still, playing with my brother and dad’s old cars. I was excited to take a few photos without flash for it.

We all attended church post Jameson being in bed, rotating with my parents. It was a little too much for me to imagine taking him to the service. Maybe next year he will be better at sitting still!

And then Santa came!

Christmas Day

Santa brings Jameson 3 gifts (plus a stocking). This year, Santa brought him new eyeball shirts for spring, new Dr. Suess books, and his very own laptop. He’s pretty funny with the laptop. It’s a little outside his age still but he will sometimes sit with it on his lap like mom and dad do.


He wanted to put on one of the eyeball shirts, but when he noticed there was a sticker on there, he wanted the sticker instead!


Jameson got a lot of great gifts, and he just loved opening everything. He continued to be a very neat unwrapper.

He wanted to help Uncle Tyler put batteries in his brand new music player! And Aunt Holly played with his new pegboard.



My sister, brother and I each got a beautiful handmade quilt from my mom, made from our t-shirts. I thought the big sister shirt, saved from when I was 4 years old, was adorable.

T-Shirt Quilt


Then it was time to open stockings, and as soon as Jameson saw his first prize, he wanted nothing to do with anything else!


Goldfish are always a hit.

He has also been pretty entertained by his very first slinky! (Once we rounded him back up from hiding with his snack, anyway)

Opening Stockings

We watched Jameson’s new movie, The Lorax, which only captured his attention for about 15 minutes. We were all entertained by it though!

By early that evening, we were packing up to leave. There was a blizzard warning to start overnight; not wanting to get caught in that, we headed out.

Not without a few family photos first!

Meemaw and Jameson

For being such a good sport with photos, he got a slice of bologna!



(Yes, those are batman pants! We call them his lounge wear, and he gets to wear them most weekends.)

(Yes, he is trying to put a sock on his hand. What a funny kid!)

It was such a nice visit, and great to spend it with my side of the family for the holidays this year.

He didn’t sleep at all going home though, which made the ride tough! He has begun asking for “itsy bitsy ipad” (an app I have), which makes me laugh. I am not sure what parents did before the ipad!

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